A kiss of make-up

Millions of women are now headlong into that frenzy of shopping,wrapping, decorating, socialising, partying, working, card writing, concert and nativity attending, family diplomacy and constantly searching for innovative ideas to make the most sensational Christmas...

Empty Nesters

When the time comes, this highly emotive phenomena evokes such extremes of feeling and sentiment in every family home across the globe. Some mums carry an utter dread of the day that their beloved sons/daughters will take their first steps to independence, moving out...

Time to be a real Yummy Mummy

“God could not be everywhere, so he created Mothers.” If feeling pure, unconditional love in our hearts is our closest connection to the divine, then this old Jewish proverb sums it up perfectly The love of a mother is a deep abyss, never faltering, never...

Skin deep

Skin cancer is a growing problem in the UK today, but often a cancerous mole is quite difficult to recognise until it’s reached quite dramatic proportions. If you could have an instant clinical assessment on a mole that was troubling you, without recourse to queuing...

Hurrah For Freckle Free Skin!

Last month i wrote about the ellipse intense Pulse light treatment, offered at loved in Bramhall, for removing and reducing freckles and sun spots anywhere on the body and face. now i’ve had a treatment, and am very excited to tell you… it worked! Wholly in the...