Your Greatest Asset…

So rang the words of the First Class Purser, Olivia Dupois, during one of my first ever flights as cabin crew with British Airways en route to San Francisco. Aged 21, I was hugely impressed by this woman – she was the epitome of elegance and effortless beauty,...

Light Fantastic

A new laser treatment promises the same results as Botox – but withoutneedles by Flic Everett BOTOX shot may have become as normal as a haircut in certain circles. But plenty of women are still wary of injecting toxins into their faces and desperate to avoid the...

A day at the races – The Essential Guide

Ok girls, you’ve got your tickets, outfits, hats and hair all sorted. Champagne breakfast and limos booked, cameras, cash , cards and berroccas all ready… so now it’s time to take the reins, saddle up and turn out the most exquisite, flawless fillies possible. May 6th...

Summertime – and the livin’s easy…

Once again, withlittle warning, it would seem that summer is upon us. The erratic weather conditions that we now experience, offer us no clue as to what’s coming and then the hot weather arrives like an unexpected visitor, taking us all utterly by surprise! However,...

News: In pursuit of Happiness…

It’s no secret that I’m a sucker for exercise, whether it be gym, circuit, running, whatever… I love it! Having spent many of my former years teaching, it’s as natural a daily activity as eating and sleeping – but to my horror, not so long ago an achilles injury...

Micro Needling – The magic wind of skincare!

“Don’t worry Helen – you won’t feel a thing!” And so began my introduction to skin needling. Why is it that instead of the reassurance intended – those words can strike fear into even the bravest of hearts! I must admit though, my initial apprehension had been...